Denver's RailRoads — Layout Progress

Phase 1 & 2 West side Action

2022 — Phase 1

1. Completed: The 11 tracks of DUT station and the 5 tracks of the joint line return loop were laid before moving to my current location. So far in 2021 I have laid the 2 additional tracks on the joint line return loop and most of the remaining trackage for modules 1 & 1a. 

2. Completed: A circle of track on modules 5 and 6a which will provide for loco testing and as a return loop to both the South and West lines.

3. July/August/September: Laying all of the track specified in the new Phase 1. Followed by ballasting, painting and scenery for modules 7 & 8. Install electrics for main line signals. Dirt ground cover where future yard tracks are to go.

4. Oct/Nov/Dec: Build the kits for East Denver Belt Line, Burnham loco facility, the Arapahoe Power Plant, the PSC gas Plant and the Denver Market & Produce Terminal (Wazee Market).

2023 — Phase  2

Q1. January/February/March : Lay the DRGW main line from the East portal of the Moffat Tunnel to Glenwood Springs. Followed by ballasting, painting, scenery and kit building for modules 11 & 12.

Q2. April/May/June:  Lay the track for the 7 staging tracks of the Grand Jct loop. Set up route control using an NCE Mini panel.

Q3. July/August/September: Lay the track for Golden and Glenwood Springs industries .Build the kits.

Q4. Oct/Nov/Dec: Finish building phases 1 & 2 to completion.

Completion Target: December 2023

Phase 3 & 4 South side Action

2024 — Phase 3 & 4

1. Denver Union Terminal (DUT).

2: CBQ Engine Terminal.

3. MoW Yard.

4. CBQ Rice Yard.

5. CBQ & DRGW Coach Yards.

Completion Target: December 2024

Phase 5 to 7 Clean-Up Action

2025 to 2026  — Phase 5 to 7

1: Re-lay the Joint Line return loop track and industrial trackage.

2: Build the South Denver industry kits.

3. Build Burnham Shops kits.

3. DRGW & UP Industrial Branches and industries

4. UP Pullman shops

5.  UP Coach Yard

6.  DRGW North Yard

7. DRGW industries

8. Commerce City industries

Completion Target: December 2026 (79th Year)

Denver's Railroads - Eras: 1947 to 1967


This is a map of all of the class 1 railroads that entered Denver's rail yards during the 1950s and 1960s. The map also shows the major towns that connect with each railroad. Ultimately the model layout will comprise the D&RGW line from Denver to Glenwood Springs, and the D&RGW branch line to Craig. All of the other connections shown on this map will be represented by two return loops comprising of 7 staging tracks for the West, North and North-east connections and 7 staging tracks for the South and South-east connections. The time frame is flexible and I have the rolling stock to base the era on:

  • 1934 (end of Prohibition) to 1947 - ice reefers, passenger trains and 2-6-0 steam locos.
  • 1947 to 1957 - passenger & freight trains pulled by steam locos (Challengers, Mountains, Pacific's and the Big Boy).
  • 1957 to 1967 - freight trains prior to Burlington Northern and passenger trains prior to Amtrak. Up to GP40/SD45 Locos.
After a rethink of the building plan in mid 2022 it was decided to build . . .

Denver's Railroads in the following 7 phases:

Phase One — Modules 5 to 8:

  1. All of the track from Utah Junction though Pinecliff to the East portal of the Moffat Tunnel
  2. All of the main lines from Utah Junction to the East Denver Belt Line turning circle
  3. East Denver Belt Line industries

Phase Two —  Modules 9 to 12:

  1. The D&RGW main line from the East portal of the Moffat Tunnel to Glenwood Springs
  2. The 7 staging tracks of the Grand Junction return loop
  3. Golden and Glenwood Springs industries

Phase Three —  Modules 3–5:

  1. Denver Union Terminal (DUT)
  2. CBQ Engine Terminal
  3. MoW Yard

Phase Four —  Module 2:

  1. CBQ Rice Yard
  2. CBQ & DRGW Coach Yards

Phase Five —  Modules 1 to 1a:

  1. Re-lay the Joint Line return loop track and industrial trackage
  2. Build the South Denver industry kits
  3. Build Burnham Shops kits

Phase Six —  Modules 2 to 6:

  1. DRGW & UP Industrial Branches and industries
  2. UP Pullman shops
  3. UP Coach Yard
  4. UP Main Yard

Phase Seven —  Modules 6 to 6a:

  1. DRGW North Yard
  2. DRGW industries
  3. Commerce City industries